Posts Tagged ‘Spam’

Dear Viagra,

I wish you would stop sending me offers for free samples.

I also wish you would stop asking me to take discreet surveys.

Finally, I wish you would stop boasting of performance improvement.


See, I’m a girl. 


Also, I hope you get lots of spam in your inbox for Tampax, PMS drugs and Twilight merchandise.


With fond regards,


Spammers, you tease me so

On this here blog, WordPress lets me know when they have detected a Spam masquerading as a comment.  I get about 10 a week.  It’s like blog junk mail.  And I don’t even have the option of winning a trip to Aruba, all expenses paid.

Sometimes these spam comments they are something like, !@#%@#@!^&#y^&u&&&^$## and so you know they are spam, or else someone stuck writing with the number buttons only.

But sometimes, these spam comments are sneaky.  Like “You have a nice blog, I can tell you put a lot of time into it, I will tell my friends.” But the sender is some bizarre person like  And that is just heartbreaking.  Also, I just made up that email address.  Please don’t try to click it and contact SpamGenerator2000. 

Also, my hopes for good blogs this week are dwindling.