Posts Tagged ‘wool sweaters’

I type with bleeding fingers

Well, not really.

My baby sister is having a baby.  That so sounds like an After School Special.  She might also yell at me for typing this. 

My sister is having a baby (her second) and she asked me to make some wall art for the baby’s room.  I had the crazy notion, once again, of busting out my wool sweater stash and going to town.  It didn’t turn out quite the way I imagined, but nothing ever does.  However, I am pleased with the results.  Would you care to see? 

First, let me explain what I’ve done, in case you can’t figure them out.  I took three art canvases and painted them (erm, they were supposed to be light pink and light green.  Haven’t a clue as to why they turned out peach and teal.  Help, Sean?)  Then, I cut out flowery petally thingies from the sweater and sewed them to the art canvas with embroidery floss, so the stitches would be big and glossy-like.  Hence, the bleeding fingers.  It is way hard to push a big fat needle through painted canvas.  I eventually had to use pliers.  I should have thought of that in the beginning, but a little torture is good for the soul.

Anyways, here they are.

One of the set of 3

One of the set of 3



Two of set of 3

Two of set of 3



Three of 3

Three of 3



And so you can get a feel for the size and scope of them, here is one of them all together.  Try to ignore the fact they are propped up on my office chair.

All three

All three

They are meant to look imperfect and irregular.  That’s just the way I roll.
Well, Kammy Whammy, I hope you like them and that Mayer will learn to love art, so Aunt Kiki can have something to offer besides gum.

I made you the world

Gee, that sounds awfully lot like something God said.  

I am not God.  But I am the owner of several shrunken wool sweaters and the crazy notion that I can make stuff out of them, which practically makes me divine.

I was supposed to attend a Christmas party today for my church’s small group.  However, the sickness gods took one look at our family and said, “Hey look, they are all not sick enough.  They haven’t had their quota of ailment and malaise.  Let’s make them all feel like crap.”

So, we did not attend said Christmas party where we were to bring an ornament of our choice for a dirty Santa gift exchange.

I shall do my first, ever, giveaway with this ornament.  One lucky reader, chosen by technologically supa smart and fail-safe methods (i.e. closing my eyes and pointing to a comment) shall be the owner of one earth ornament made from upcycled wool sweaters in blue and green.  

Here is a picture.


Earth, small enough to fit in your hand.

Earth, small enough to fit in your hand.



And to note the year in which you received this extremely awesome ornament, I’ve also added the year in green numbers.  (Editor’s note: it was butt hard to cut out 2008 from a sweater.)  Addie has informed me that the numbers are “crooked”, but I assure you, it was intentional.


The back of the earth.

The back of the earth.



The ornament measures 4 1/4″ and is two spheres sewn together with a blanket stitch.  The green blobs, aka continents and numbers, were added using my trusty Clover brand needle felter. The hanger is a simple white ribbon which measures 3″.  

Would you like to add this to your tree?  First, leave me a comment saying you are supa interested and must have this one of a kind, hand made ornament.  You have until December 17, Wednesday to enter.  I will select the giveaway winner by 5:00 Wednesday afternoon.  


Merry Christmas and may the world look wonderful on your Christmas tree.


P.S.  Does this ornament remind anyone else of Edvard Munch’s The Scream?


The Scream, by Eduard Munch

The Scream, by Edvard Munch